or stalking conduct;
∙ Use or aempt to use another user’s account without authorizaon from that user and EZ;
∙ Use our Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, spam, negavely affect or
inhibit other users from fully enjoying our Services or that could damage, disable,
overburden or impair the funconing of our Services in any manner;
∙ Aempt to circumvent any content-filtering techniques we employ or aempt to access or
tamper with any feature or area of our Services that you are not authorized to access,
which includes any aempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or
network, or breach or circumvent any security or authencaon measures;
∙ Develop or use any applicaons that interact with our Services without our prior wrien
∙ Sell, rent or purchase account interacons (such as selling, renng or purchasing followers,
re-sharing a post, likes, etc.)
∙ Use any data mining, scraping, robots or similar data gathering or extracon methods
∙ Bypass or ignore instrucons contained in any robots.txt file we provide that controls
automated access to porons of our Services; or
∙ Use our Services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, or engage in, encourage or
promote any acvity that violates these Terms.
You may also only post or otherwise share User Content that is non-confidenal and you have all
necessary rights to disclose. You may not create, post, store or share any User Content that:
∙ Is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, discriminatory, indecent, lewd,
suggesve, harassing, bullying, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive,
inflammatory or fraudulent;
∙ Includes content that directly aacks, threatens, or incites harm against other people based
on their race, ethnicity, naonal origin, religious affiliaon, sexual orientaon, sex, gender,
gender identy, disabilies or diseases.
∙ Would constute, encourage or provide instrucons for a criminal offense, promote
self-injury or suicide, violate the rights of any party or otherwise create liability or violate
any local, state, naonal or internaonal law;
∙ May infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual or